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POETRY: The rest of us two in Papua.

Jumat, 15 Mei 20150 komentar

Together we are the little boy, Human MelanesiaEarth humans Cendrawasih Papua.We Together, though only a young AgedBut want to share a story about the journey of human life Melanesia.
Together we know that we will not reach the age as in the mother's wombBut as a human being Melanesia no reply can help both of usOf the coming threat, pressure, Agony, Oppression,Terror, Torture, Rape, and MurderThat is done by the TNI / police on our Land of Papua Melanesia
We both know that if we were both going to die soonWhen the man did not deliver us both MelanesiaBecause, to the cusp of the fight for freedom in this Cendrawasi EarthBut how?
Are they going to come at nightWhen we were both lying on the bedNatural Resources and destroy us and our home?Are humans Melanesia let us bothWith a life of suffering like this?
They would say that longevity you just nonsenseOr will the Melanesians understand this miseryFor example, will bring us both of pressure and oppression and otherTo the cusp of the struggle towards freedom and peace
We both know somedaywe will not be able to get back togetherWe will part with themFor ever and free of pressureAnd oppression on our Natural Earth Cendrawasih Papua Melanesia
This is in accordance with God's will and plan.
Father of both of us, our mothers both human and MelanesiaMost have been bullied, endless killed by TNI / PoliceWhile they rob-stripped our results Natural ResourcesIn the Paradise Earth that God has givenFor our own process.
However, we both just find another storyThe bodies were covered in bloodMelanesian Papuans will not be able to live again from the deadAnd against the TNI / POLTI togetherwe are two and only we who tersisah this Paradise on Earth.
If humans Melanesian brothers not Bring us bothTo the culmination of our struggle for freedom both tiny bodyWill rest in the small cemetery both of us for ever
Every day, we both sat staring at the sunAnd ask the sunWith a heart full of pain, sadness and painWhen is the truth that shines?
Everything is over while waiting for Dad, MomAnd brothers and sisters of the MelanesiansWho was dead at this Paradise EarthTo return back to Earth Cendrawasih
But when we were both staring at the sun,He also always told us bothWith a loud voice softThat the father, mother and brothers and sisters of Human MelanesiaWho had first left Earth's Cendrawasih
That they will not returnBut they go to a beautiful placeIt was there they would be angelsBecause they left it above the Earth Cendrawasih Truth
They always told us both anywaySo as not to fear the waves of time to liberationIn the struggle that full freedom of PeaceBecause both of us are forever Human Melanesia

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